Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate Justice, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Single Friendly Church Network

Single Friendly Church Network write:

I'm writing in 2024 to share exciting news following our launch in 2023. 

Free Webinar: How to become a Single Friendly Church

Single Friendly Church Network are running free webinars to help churches welcome and value single people in practical ways. They are open to anyone interested in making a difference in their church.

Free Guided Audit for churches

A reminder that we offer a Guided Audit tool for churches wanting to explore how to welcome and value single people. It's free and easy to use - sign up online.

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